Good Vibrations

Heart beats
Breath rises and falls
Irises dilate and contract
Muscles flex and relax
Colon peristalts
Nerve cells fire rhythmically
Brain waves pulse

We are a symphony of vibrations. When startled or angered the rhythms swell. In repose, the life-force pulses more slowly. In the morning we may feel sluggish, and at bedtime we may feel too revved up to sleep. Unease may come from being out of tune. We are too up when we ought to be down, and we are too down when we need to be up.

When we have a fear thought, nerve impulses like lightning bolts zip to our various glands signaling them to secrete chemicals like adrenaline to speed up the system. In case the danger is real we’d better have our heart beating fast and lungs puffing away so we are ready for action. If we realize there is no danger, it takes time for the relaxation response to take over. Nerves are fast, but glands aren’t nearly so quick. Our system has momentum. Like a moving train, the flight or fight response will not stop immediately when the all clear is given.

Practice tuning in to your mind/body’s vibrations. Notice your breath rate. Observe your heart beating. Feel the pulsing vibrating sensations in your skin, muscles and in your innards. Do this while sitting quietly, but also during the activities of the day.

If you have trouble sleeping, consider lowering your activity and stimulation level earlier in the evening. If you are sluggish in the morning, try more stretching and more vigorous action of the breath.

The breath is a major tool for managing our physiological vibrations. Choosing our thoughts and guiding the breath give us more power over the state of our body and emotions.

Breathe consciously.

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© 2003 Tom Barrett